Song List

Here is a preview of our always-expanding song list:

All The Small ThingsBlink 182
Baby One More TimeBritney Spears
Black Horse & The Cherry TreeKT Tunstall
Blue on BlackKenny Wanye Shepherd
BreatheMelissa Ethridge
Closing TimeSemisonic
CrawlingLinkin Park
ComplicatedAvril Lavigne
CrazyGnarles Barkley
Crazy TrainOzzy
Drunk and I Don't Wanna Go HomeElle King
Down by the WaterThe Decemberists
Everybody TalksNeon Trees
Exs and OhsElle King
Higher LoveSteve Winwood
I Am The HighwayAudioslave
I Kissed A GirlKaty Perry
I Knew You Were TroubleTaylor Swift
Everyday is a Winding RoadSheryl Crow
I Want it That WayBackstreet Boys
If It Makes You HappySheryl Crow
JoleneDolly Parton
No RainBlind Melon
No ScrubsTLC
Ocean EyesBillie Eilish
Only Happy When It RainsGarbage
Oops I Did It AgainBritney Spears
OthersideRed Hot Chili Peppers
PushMatchbox 20
RadioactiveImagine Dragons
Raise HellBrandi Carlile
Rolling in the DeepAdele
Rumor Has ItAdele
Say It Ain't SoWeezer
Say You'll Be ThereSpice Girls
ShallowLady Gaga & Bradley Cooper
Shut up and DanceWalk the Moon
SlideGoo Goo Dolls
Somebody That I Used to KnowGotye
Somewhere Only We KnowKeane
SorryMeg Myers
Steve McQueenSheryl Crow
Sugar We're Going DownFall Out Boy
Teenage DirtbagWheatus
The One I LoveREM
Time After TimeCyndi Lauper
TodaySmashing Pumpkins
ToxicBritney Spears
UnwellMatchbox 20
Wagon WheelDarius Rucker
What's Up4 Non Blondes
When I Come AroundGreen Day
Wrecking BallMiley Cyrus
ZombieThe Cranberries